

1848 - Henry Murger

Henry Murger

"Rodolphe found Mademoiselle Laure at the trysting place. Good, said he, for punctuality she is a feminine Breguet."

Henry Murger
The Bohemians of the Latin Quarter (the work that inspired Puccini for his opera “La Bohème"), 1848

生于巴黎的法国作家亨利•缪尔格(Henri Murger)(1822-1861)于1848年出版了他的《波希米亚人生》(Les Scènes de la vie de bohème (Scenes of Bohemian Life)),从此声名大振。随后,他于1851年将其改编成舞台剧。1896年,贾科莫•普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)受到这部作品的启发,创作出著名歌剧《波希米亚人》。

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